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“Jill’s are amazing! They can input a client’s information better than I can. I don’t know how I ran without them before. I strongly encourage you to have a demo, learn their product, and try their services out. They add a lot of value! 

Thank you, Jills!!” 

Antony Pinque | Insurance Help Inc

“Jill’s Office is great for any small business. We didn’t have the funds to hire a full-time person so we looked for other options and happened upon Jill’s Office. The transition process was flawless, we were assigned our own dedicated manager (who is super responsive), the communications to and from the Jills is top-notch, and their overall processes are fantastic. Not to mention, we get so many compliments on how professional the “folks that answer our phone” are from our customers.  We recommend Jill’s Office 100%!!

Carmela Jacobs | Veterans Exterior Cleaning 

The Jill’s are amazing! They are professional and thorough with the information we need. Heather, our account manager is awesome with her customer service, making sure that we’re getting everything we need from the service and she follow ups with my questions promptly.

Rick Cruz |

24/7 Answering  |  Customizable Scripting  |  Appointment Scheduling  |  Lead Follow Up  |  Smile Generating